Understand people's opinions of contemporary art. 
Find out what motivates someone to become involved in the art community.​​​​​​​
Understand what prevents people from experiencing in-person art galleries. 
Reveal why people have the perception that galleries are off-putting.
How old are you?
What gender do you identify with?
When was the last time you visited an art gallery? 
This month
Less than 6 months ago
6-12 months ago
More than a year ago
I don't remember the last time I entered a gallery
What is your impression of contemporary art galleries?
They're inspiring
They're confusing
They're fun and interesting
They're pretentious
They're only for artist or people in the art industry
They're only for wealthy people
They're intimidating
They're boring
Why do you feel that way? Could you elaborate on how you came to have that perception? 

What do you believe is required of a person to appreciate contemporary art? 
Knowledge on the subject being portrayed
A budget to purchase art
A curiosity in the art or artist
A general appreciation for the arts
Some formal art education/experience
Tell me about a time you had an enjoyable experience with an art gallery. What made you enjoy the experience more than usual?
What draws you into contemporary art galleries? And, what causes you to avoid entering an art gallery?
How do you like to get involved in the art community? 
Purchasing Art
Creating art
Funding/Donating to Art Programs
Attending Art Events (such as gallery openings, art talks, special exhibitions, art festivals)
Browsing Art Galleries
I have no interest in being involved in the art community
Personal Interviews 

As a way to gather qualitative and behavioral information, personal interviews of specific target audience users will be conducted. The goal of the interview is to gain deeper insights into the behaviors, perceptions, and options of both young art appreciators and new art buyers. If possible, an interview will also be conducted with a gallery owner  or contemporary artist to gain the options and thoughts of an industry professional. 

In order to receive more general and quantitative information, I'll conduct an online survey to gain an understanding of peoples perception of the contemporary art industry. This survey will target a broader group of people, but will provide an overall sense of the issue and potentially uncover some insights into how to solve the problem. The survey will be conducts via Survey Monkey and Instagram stories. Survey Monkey will contain a more selective group of people and Instagram stories will be inclusive of the general public. 
How old are you?
What age do you identify with?

When was the last time you visited an art gallery?
What is your impression of contemporary art galleries?
Why do you feel that way? Could you elaborate on how you came to have that perception?
_My own art classes, popular culture, patrons and artists present in the galleries on my visits
_I wish I didn’t feel this way! I would really love to appreciate art more - I just have not really ever felt artistic in that way and feel mildly intimidated by art.
_I love the art that is created. I can appreciate the beauty that is there. However sometimes the gallery will display some of the most confusing and “un-artful” things like random cut up paper or even sometimes just trash. That I never understood. For me, there is more appreciation for older art.
_I love art. But sometimes I feel “stupid” going into a gallery. Like I should already be an expert on the art or else I’ll get a nose turned up on me. Which is not at all from experience, but likely from movie and media portrayals of art gallery’s.
_Some are great( talented artists, interesting mediums, designs that can be simple yet elegant). Also boring with artwork that a 4 year old could do.
_I don’t find contemporary art speaks to me in the way that art of previous movements does. It feels either plain, emotionless, and bland or over the top and confusing.
_I'm a historian of renaissance art but contemporary galleries often have a calm and sharp sense of the space and how the art works within it
_They inspire me to take new perspectives and to try things out of the box simply for the essence of playing creatively.
_I don't know a lot about contemporary art. I often feel like I don't understand the context or meaning of the works I see. Some are just beautiful and inspiring in a visual way, but I would like to know more about works that are less obvious in their significance. And I feel like everyone else around me "gets it."
_I personally love contemporary art, but that also has to do with the fact that I am a student in the arts/design. So for me I have a better understanding of what is going on. I can see how for the general public a lot of it doesn't make sense. Because even for me sometimes I can get confused.
_I love all art and am always interested in seeing new things! I really love some modern art. On the other hand, my personal favorite period are Medieval and Renaissance, so I just don’t connect quite as much with modern pieces.
_I am so inspired by them because of the fact that I have grown up to appreciate all kinds of art after moving so much all my life. I think this appreciation helps me appreciate and find them fun and interesting. Sometimes (like all things), they can be suuuuuper pretentious, but I see past that!
_Since I’m not “in” the industry, sometimes I feel out of place or that this art or space wasn’t created “for” me. Pretentious is a good way of putting it. But I always enjoy them so much when I do go!
_Modern art is not inny about beauty but want to challenge the status quo and engage you in discussion and that’s very stimulating
_We need more information about the artist's working process and inspiration in the museum.
As an art/design student, it's interesting to see other people's style and pull inspiration from their work.​​​​​​​
What do you believe is required of a person to appreciate contemporary art?
Tell me about a time you had an enjoyable experience with an art gallery. What made you enjoy the experience more than usual?
_Coffee. But really, a warm inviting space. Also staff who were interested in the patrons and really clear descriptions and information about the artist
_I really enjoy interactive experiences. Perhaps like a piece of art that prompts me to do something - like if it asked me to specifically think about something in my life when looking at a painting - that might make it a bit more intriguing to me.
_The explanation of the art that is being displayed. Also, something that is more skillful and difficult to create if that makes sense. I feel like if I can produce the art, then there’s less of an appreciation to it. One of my favorite art gallery is the Chihuly Art Museum in Seattle, with the beautiful glass arts. That is beautiful and hard to create.
_I like it when a gallery is crowded, because I can feel more invisible to enjoy (or not enjoy) the art pieces.
_Was viewing some paintings which were good but the person beside me explained some of the more finer details of the pieces and of the historical importance which made me appreciate the work even more.
_Engaged staff or artists within the gallery that are there to answer questions and discuss pieces but also allow you the chance to independently view and ponder art.
_I always appreciate a unique curator. Something more insightful.
_I love exhibitions that are interactive. Very much enjoyed Olafur Eliasson’s climate related show at the Tate this month bc I was totally physically immersed/included in the experience.
_Sections that had lots of background info on the artist or the specific work that were large and easy to read from a distance/through a crowd (not on a tiny placard). Made me feel more knowledgable and engaged with what I saw, aside from the fact the the art was amazing!
_A few months ago I took my little brother to see the Warhol museum at the SFMOMA. Seeing how excited he was and all the questions he had about that art made me happy.
_I honestly just love any time that I get to go and take my time over my favorite artists and pieces! The only thing that makes the experience less enjoyable for me is when the museum is overly crowded. I like to view art in peace and quiet.
_National Gallery of Canada. It was very large and the space had enough room to physically separate different exhibitions with breathing room. I loved how there was a good mix of contemporary, historical, and modern art, and how some things were interactive and personal. I also think that the museum chose controversial topics (artist using late husband’s ashes as art), etc.
_Few, but meaningful interactions. (The fact that it was few interactions is a positive thing)
_Almost every time. I like when there is a bit more information provided about an artist and the pieces - it gives context and helps to understand. Label saying ‘Untitled 1986’ is not very helpful.
_They're calming and every time I step into galleries I feel inspired although a bit intimidated as well.
The space and the interior.
What draws you into contemporary art galleries? And, what causes you to avoid entering an art gallery?
_The unknown draws me. Sometimes I will avoid if the staff seems unfriendly or if the other patrons are obviously there to purchase
_People draw me into contemporary art galleries - if my friends want to go, I’ll go for them. I avoid them typically because of the cost, and also because I’m not very interested in them.
_The general atmosphere of the art gallery draws me in. Things that would have me avoid is expensive entrance fees.
_What draws me is curiosity and love of people expressing something. What makes me avoid it is the air of pretentious (and wondering if I will be scoffed when bringing children).
_If there is a piece in the window that interests me. I avoid it when I walk in and the person seems pretentious. I’ll still give it a shot but it better wow me fairly quickly. Life is too short for rude people.
_The space and the art draw me in. I would only avoid if what I saw didn't interest me or if the attendants were alienating.
A sense of calm draws me. I would avoid an art gallery if it felt very small and like I was being watched too closely by the docents.
_I'm less drawn to contemporary art galleries. When I do go in I am drawn to the large installations and photography. I enjoy the more clean aesthetic, too. I tend to avoid or be less interested in entering contemporary galleries because I have little knowledge of the art/artist/artists and therefore few reasons to spend my time in them or those sections.
_I live right next to two contemporary art galleries. After being neighbors to these art galleries for three years now I have gotten close with the workers and galleries themselves. It gives me a sense of community.
_The desire to see something new and intriguing! The only reason I would avoid is if it looks too crazy inside.
_Intriguing posters, famous names. Non-intriguing posters/material
_Art in a medium that I’m interested in, or a topic that interests me. Avoiding: weird topics, hard to understand topics, or cost prohibits (ie. too expensive/fancy)
_I like the white cube feeling- empty white space is so calming but then you encounter art that can be very challenging
_If it is a themed gallery depending on the theme I will go in.
_Being watched and approached for the art or buying the art.
How do you like to get involved in the art community?
01_People feel more confidant around art if they have access to information about  the gallery/art/artists
02_The overall environment of the gallery greatly impacts a visitors experience
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