Task 01: Take a survey to see your art preferences.
Task 02: Find tours crafted by art professionals and create your own tour.
Take 03: Discover new galleries and add them to a saved/collections list.
An inventory of wireframe placeholders yet to be designed as a visually cohesive system.
30, Wants to increase her involvement in the art community.
30, Wants to increase her involvement in the art community.
Road Blocks:
_Desired more information from the "Welcome Factor"
_Wanted to add her own review to the gallery profile
_Desired more information on the tours
_Wanted to add her own review to the gallery profile
_Desired more information on the tours
_Used global navigation naturally
_Swiped through galleries with no issue
_Appreciated the "90% match" feature
_Swiped through galleries with no issue
_Appreciated the "90% match" feature
31, art appreciator but particular about the topic/medium
31, art appreciator but particular about the topic/medium
Road Blocks:
_Didn't click on map pins to learn more
_Swiped up on matching survey instead of using the back buttons
_Didn't know what the view gallery icon meant
_Swiped up on matching survey instead of using the back buttons
_Didn't know what the view gallery icon meant
_Tabbed menu felt natural
_Liked the new progress lines
_Was attracted to the layout of the On Now and Curated Tours pages
_Liked the new progress lines
_Was attracted to the layout of the On Now and Curated Tours pages
28, doesn't know much about art but is curious to know more
28, doesn't know much about art but is curious to know more
Road Blocks:
_Clicked on hamburger/settings menu a couple times to navigate.
_Didn't know you could "heart" and "unheart" galleries to save them
_Didn't know you could "heart" and "unheart" galleries to save them
_Understood and liked the navigation bar
_Clicked the read more button often
_Easily understood what to do with the survey
_Clicked the read more button often
_Easily understood what to do with the survey
_Build out the tour section due to high interest
_Add details to the map pins
_Reconsider gallery insight icon
_Add details to the map pins
_Reconsider gallery insight icon